It happened at the noon if last Wednesday, the 15th of October 2014.
I enjoyed using Mac but suddenly an error massege has come out.
It said "You got the iCloud connection error. Please sign in again."
I turned on iCloud control panel and entered my accout name and password, but somehow, it showed the other message that "You cannot access due to the iCloud problem."

I enjoyed using Mac but suddenly an error massege has come out.
It said "You got the iCloud connection error. Please sign in again."
I turned on iCloud control panel and entered my accout name and password, but somehow, it showed the other message that "You cannot access due to the iCloud problem."
I didn't know what I can do so I decided to ask Apple support center for a help.
I thought to use phone but soon I changed my mind because I remember I took quite long time when I phoned Apple the other day.
So I decided to access Apple support chat.
This was my first time.
And it was my fault.
The support man at the other end of net seemed to have the very low typing speed so every time before the person answer to my question the person took 60 seconds.
(At least I felt so.)
I explained my situation and the person typed "Too bad! If I were you, I felt quite troublesome" blah blah.
And the person asked me "In what kind of scene are you using Mac and how many hours a day?"
Is this a marketting questionaire?
Anyway, I answered back as much as I could.
The person could not give me any practical solution.
Instead, the person suggested me to reboot the computer, and if it didn't improve the situation, then clear the SMC, and it didn't work, then "create the other Apple ID account and see whether it work or not."
I asked the person "what is SMC clearing? How can I do it?"
The person answered that the person would mail me after we would finish the chat."
In fact, I confess that I could not catch the message that the person would mail me after we would finish the chat.
Because I didn't think that is the fastest way.
So I wait for the person would let me know how can I "clear the SMC".
In fact, while I was waiting for the answer for a few minutes (I felt), I Googled the net how can I do it.
I found it quite easily.
It was simple:
1) shut down Mac
2) keep pushing Shift+Control+Option and turn on Mac again
I can tell you within the chat.
Can't you?
After a few minutes, I asked the person, "Hey, when would you let me know how can I clear SMC? I am waiting for your words."
Then the person typed "As I told you, I would mail you after we would finish the chat."
I scrolled back the chatting screen and saw the person actually said so.
Anyway, I found how can I do it so I pasted the googled answer in the chat box.
The person said "Thank you, it is correct".
Then we finished the chat.
I didn't reboot the computer, try Shift+Control+Option reboot, or re-create the Apple ID.
Instead, I just tried re-sign in iCloud.
Because about half an hour (I felt) had passed after I asked Apple person for a chat so I thought the situation might been changed.
I was right and I could sign in iCloud.
All the thing I had to was just wait for half an hour.
If I knew it, I did another thing --- seeing TV, reading Manga, eating anything sweet etc.
Anyway, I didn't do it.
Instead, I chatted with some Apple person.
I posted this unpleasant experience in my Facebook page and some people in Japan told me that they had the same situation at the same time.
Then they just wait for half an hour then they could use it.
One of them said that she went taking for a lunch.
Boy, I should do that!
She also let me know that I could check out the Apple server status withing the page:
Apple - サポート - システム状況
And the problem on the 2014-10-15 noon had been already reported.
I felt very strange because the Apple suport person did not let me know the problem that the Apple server had and how can I check out the server status.
Instead, the person only gave me the no-work suggestions: reboot the computer, clear SMC, re-create the Apple ID, blah, blah.
If the person KNEW the server status and didn't let me know, the person was insincere.
If the person DIDN'T KNOW it then the person was unskilled.
In both case, it is not good to have such person at the support desk.
I do love Apple products and enjoy using them, but I must say that there is much room to improve their supporting system.
I thought to use phone but soon I changed my mind because I remember I took quite long time when I phoned Apple the other day.
So I decided to access Apple support chat.
This was my first time.
And it was my fault.
The support man at the other end of net seemed to have the very low typing speed so every time before the person answer to my question the person took 60 seconds.
(At least I felt so.)
I explained my situation and the person typed "Too bad! If I were you, I felt quite troublesome" blah blah.
And the person asked me "In what kind of scene are you using Mac and how many hours a day?"
Is this a marketting questionaire?
Anyway, I answered back as much as I could.
The person could not give me any practical solution.
Instead, the person suggested me to reboot the computer, and if it didn't improve the situation, then clear the SMC, and it didn't work, then "create the other Apple ID account and see whether it work or not."
I asked the person "what is SMC clearing? How can I do it?"
The person answered that the person would mail me after we would finish the chat."
In fact, I confess that I could not catch the message that the person would mail me after we would finish the chat.
Because I didn't think that is the fastest way.
So I wait for the person would let me know how can I "clear the SMC".
In fact, while I was waiting for the answer for a few minutes (I felt), I Googled the net how can I do it.
I found it quite easily.
It was simple:
1) shut down Mac
2) keep pushing Shift+Control+Option and turn on Mac again
I can tell you within the chat.
Can't you?
After a few minutes, I asked the person, "Hey, when would you let me know how can I clear SMC? I am waiting for your words."
Then the person typed "As I told you, I would mail you after we would finish the chat."
I scrolled back the chatting screen and saw the person actually said so.
Anyway, I found how can I do it so I pasted the googled answer in the chat box.
The person said "Thank you, it is correct".
Then we finished the chat.
I didn't reboot the computer, try Shift+Control+Option reboot, or re-create the Apple ID.
Instead, I just tried re-sign in iCloud.
Because about half an hour (I felt) had passed after I asked Apple person for a chat so I thought the situation might been changed.
I was right and I could sign in iCloud.
All the thing I had to was just wait for half an hour.
If I knew it, I did another thing --- seeing TV, reading Manga, eating anything sweet etc.
Anyway, I didn't do it.
Instead, I chatted with some Apple person.
I posted this unpleasant experience in my Facebook page and some people in Japan told me that they had the same situation at the same time.
Then they just wait for half an hour then they could use it.
One of them said that she went taking for a lunch.
Boy, I should do that!
She also let me know that I could check out the Apple server status withing the page:
Apple - サポート - システム状況
And the problem on the 2014-10-15 noon had been already reported.
I felt very strange because the Apple suport person did not let me know the problem that the Apple server had and how can I check out the server status.
Instead, the person only gave me the no-work suggestions: reboot the computer, clear SMC, re-create the Apple ID, blah, blah.
If the person KNEW the server status and didn't let me know, the person was insincere.
If the person DIDN'T KNOW it then the person was unskilled.
In both case, it is not good to have such person at the support desk.
I do love Apple products and enjoy using them, but I must say that there is much room to improve their supporting system.