When you read Japanese manga, you find quite much onomatopoeia.
Japanese translation of onomatopeia is 擬声語 (gi-sei-go).
It's join of 擬音語 (gi-on-go) and 擬態語 (gi-tai-go).
Japanese translation of onomatopeia is 擬声語 (gi-sei-go).
It's join of 擬音語 (gi-on-go) and 擬態語 (gi-tai-go).
擬音語 Giongo is writing of sound.
ワンワン (wan-wan) is barking of dogs.
The sound is incompatible for English and Japanese.
In English, you say bowwow.
ニャーニャー (nyah-nyah) is barking of dogs.
The sound is incompatible for English and Japanese.
In English, you say meow.
(I think the Japanese is more accurate, because cats don't have lips.
To pronunce M sound, you must have lips.)
ドカーン (Dokaan) is sound of bomb fire.
バーン (Baan) is sound of gun fire.
So it goes.
擬態語 Gitaigo is writing to describing how it is and how it does.
I don't know many English examples, but for example, in English, blah-blah means some people are talking so noisy, right?
In that situation, Japanese says ペチャクチャ (pecha-kucha).
Japanese is filled with so much Gitaigo.
For example, ポンポン (pon-pon) means you pat someones head or shoulder.
> 子供の頭をポンポン叩くのは日本では愛情表現だ(kodomono atamawo ponpon tatakuno wa nihondeha aijou hyougen da)
== Patting a child's head is expression of your love in Japan.
トコトコ (toko-toko) means you tiddle on the road not so fast.
> 会社までトコトコ歩いて行くよ(kaisha made tokotoko aruite ikuyo)
== I tiddle for the office.
ポンポン and トコトコ is the simple ones, because they describe the moving of your body and any other physical things.
ドンドン (don-don) means something is going so fast.
> ドンドンやるよ! (Don-Don yaruyo!)
== I would do it without any hesitate!
Interestingly, ドンドン (don-don) is Giongo to describe if you knock the door so hard.
> だれかがドンドン、ドアをたたいてる!(darekaga Don-Don doa wo tataiteru!)
== Somebody is knocking at the door so loud!
ズンズン (zun-zun) means you go down the road further and further.
> 山道をズンズン行くと暗くなった (yamamichi wo zun-zun ikuto kuraku natta)
== When I went on the road in a mountain, it gets darker.
ドンドン and ズンズン is more complex.
They describe HOW the process is going.
ノコノコ means you go in the bad place without deep thinking of the threat.
> 警官がいるとは知らずに誘拐犯はノコノコ公園に行った(keikan ga irutowa shirazu ni yuukaihan wa nokonoko kouen ni itta)
== The kidnapper went to the park without knowing that the policeman resides there.
ヌケヌケ means you have nerve (don't hesitate to do something bald.)
> 彼はヌケヌケとウソを言った。(kare wa nukenuke to uso wo itta.)
== He got the nerve to tell a lie.
I think Japanese is characteristic because you say so much onomatopeia in the regular speech.
Not only young people and children, but also old people, business exectives, scientists, scholars, and politicians use onomatopeia not only in the daily life, but also in the formal speech.
ワンワン (wan-wan) is barking of dogs.
The sound is incompatible for English and Japanese.
In English, you say bowwow.
ニャーニャー (nyah-nyah) is barking of dogs.
The sound is incompatible for English and Japanese.
In English, you say meow.
(I think the Japanese is more accurate, because cats don't have lips.
To pronunce M sound, you must have lips.)
ドカーン (Dokaan) is sound of bomb fire.
バーン (Baan) is sound of gun fire.
So it goes.
擬態語 Gitaigo is writing to describing how it is and how it does.
I don't know many English examples, but for example, in English, blah-blah means some people are talking so noisy, right?
In that situation, Japanese says ペチャクチャ (pecha-kucha).
Japanese is filled with so much Gitaigo.
For example, ポンポン (pon-pon) means you pat someones head or shoulder.
> 子供の頭をポンポン叩くのは日本では愛情表現だ(kodomono atamawo ponpon tatakuno wa nihondeha aijou hyougen da)
== Patting a child's head is expression of your love in Japan.
トコトコ (toko-toko) means you tiddle on the road not so fast.
> 会社までトコトコ歩いて行くよ(kaisha made tokotoko aruite ikuyo)
== I tiddle for the office.
ポンポン and トコトコ is the simple ones, because they describe the moving of your body and any other physical things.
ドンドン (don-don) means something is going so fast.
> ドンドンやるよ! (Don-Don yaruyo!)
== I would do it without any hesitate!
Interestingly, ドンドン (don-don) is Giongo to describe if you knock the door so hard.
> だれかがドンドン、ドアをたたいてる!(darekaga Don-Don doa wo tataiteru!)
== Somebody is knocking at the door so loud!
ズンズン (zun-zun) means you go down the road further and further.
> 山道をズンズン行くと暗くなった (yamamichi wo zun-zun ikuto kuraku natta)
== When I went on the road in a mountain, it gets darker.
ドンドン and ズンズン is more complex.
They describe HOW the process is going.
ノコノコ means you go in the bad place without deep thinking of the threat.
> 警官がいるとは知らずに誘拐犯はノコノコ公園に行った(keikan ga irutowa shirazu ni yuukaihan wa nokonoko kouen ni itta)
== The kidnapper went to the park without knowing that the policeman resides there.
ヌケヌケ means you have nerve (don't hesitate to do something bald.)
> 彼はヌケヌケとウソを言った。(kare wa nukenuke to uso wo itta.)
== He got the nerve to tell a lie.
I think Japanese is characteristic because you say so much onomatopeia in the regular speech.
Not only young people and children, but also old people, business exectives, scientists, scholars, and politicians use onomatopeia not only in the daily life, but also in the formal speech.