This is the continuation of the last article of the series: "Usage Of KataKana Part 4".
In the Part 1, we discussed about the basic katakana table.
ア(a) イ(i) ウ(u) エ(e) オ(o)
カ(ka) キ(ki) ク(ku) ケ(ke) コ(ko)
サ(sa) シ(shi) ス(su) セ(se) ソ(so)
タ(ta) チ(chi) ツ(tsu) テ(te) ト(to)
ナ(na) ニ(ni) ヌ(nu) ネ(ne) ノ(no)
ハ(ha) ヒ(hi) フ(fu) ヘ(he) ホ(ho)
マ(ma) ミ(mi) ム(mu) メ(me) モ(mo)
ヤ(ya) ユ(yu) ヨ(yo)
ラ(ra) リ(ri) ル(ru) レ(re) ロ(ro)
ワ(wa) ヲ(wo)
And in the Part 2, we discussed about the additional table with Dakuten (濁点, cloudy tone mark).
ガ(ga) ギ(gi) グ(gu) ゲ(ge) ゴ(go)
ザ(za) ジ(ji) ズ(zu) ゼ(ze) ゾ(zo)
ダ(da) ヂ(ji) ヅ(zu) デ(de) ド(do)
バ(ba) ビ(bi) ブ(bu) ベ(be) ボ(bo)
And in the Part 3, we discussed about the additional table with Han-Dakuten (半濁点, half-cloudy tone mark).
パ(pa) ピ(pi) プ(pu) ペ(pe) ポ(po)
And in the Part 3, we discussed about the additional table with Han-Dakuten (半濁点, half-cloudy tone mark).
パ(pa) ピ(pi) プ(pu) ペ(pe) ポ(po)
And in the Part 4, we discussed about the prolonged mark (長音記号).
ー(the pronunciation differs depending on which letter exists just before the mark)
Following the table above, you can spell following words in Japanese.
English words Japanese pronunciation Katakana
America Amerika アメリカ
Canada Kanada カナダ
Puerto Rico Puerutoriko プエルトリコ
Australia Oosutoraria オーストラリア
Today, let's discuss about special Japanese charactor, ン.
It is hard to tell you how you can pronounce the letter.
So I want to show you the examples.
The word America is pronounced in Japanese as Amerika, and its Katakana writing is アメリカ.
The word American is pronounced in Japanese as Amerikan, and its Katakana writing is アメリカン.
The word Truss is pronounced in Japanese as Torasu, and its Katakana writing is トラス.
The word Trans is pronounced in Japanese as Toransu, and its Katakana writing is トランス.
Its pronunciation is similar to the English "N" sound with out trailing vowels (aeiou).
The French City Nantes is pronounced in Japanese as Nanto, and its Katakana writing is ナント.
Note that the letter Na is ナ, and the n trailing it is ン (because it is not trailed with another vowels.)
In Japanese, they say the letter ン is not at the beginning of words.
But there are a few exceptions.
N'Djamena is a city in Chad and its Japanese pronunctiation is Njamena and its Katakana writing is ンジャメナ.
Youssou N'Dour is a singer in Senegal and his family name is pronounced as Nduuru in Japan, and its Katakana writing is ンドゥール.
The small ゥ is not yet discussed.
Let's discuss about it together with ァ, ィ, ェ, and ォ the next time.
(Two weeks lator.)
Bye for now!

ア(a) イ(i) ウ(u) エ(e) オ(o)
カ(ka) キ(ki) ク(ku) ケ(ke) コ(ko)
サ(sa) シ(shi) ス(su) セ(se) ソ(so)
タ(ta) チ(chi) ツ(tsu) テ(te) ト(to)
ナ(na) ニ(ni) ヌ(nu) ネ(ne) ノ(no)
ハ(ha) ヒ(hi) フ(fu) ヘ(he) ホ(ho)
マ(ma) ミ(mi) ム(mu) メ(me) モ(mo)
ヤ(ya) ユ(yu) ヨ(yo)
ラ(ra) リ(ri) ル(ru) レ(re) ロ(ro)
ワ(wa) ヲ(wo)
And in the Part 2, we discussed about the additional table with Dakuten (濁点, cloudy tone mark).
ガ(ga) ギ(gi) グ(gu) ゲ(ge) ゴ(go)
ザ(za) ジ(ji) ズ(zu) ゼ(ze) ゾ(zo)
ダ(da) ヂ(ji) ヅ(zu) デ(de) ド(do)
バ(ba) ビ(bi) ブ(bu) ベ(be) ボ(bo)
And in the Part 3, we discussed about the additional table with Han-Dakuten (半濁点, half-cloudy tone mark).
パ(pa) ピ(pi) プ(pu) ペ(pe) ポ(po)
And in the Part 3, we discussed about the additional table with Han-Dakuten (半濁点, half-cloudy tone mark).
パ(pa) ピ(pi) プ(pu) ペ(pe) ポ(po)
And in the Part 4, we discussed about the prolonged mark (長音記号).
ー(the pronunciation differs depending on which letter exists just before the mark)
Following the table above, you can spell following words in Japanese.
English words Japanese pronunciation Katakana
America Amerika アメリカ
Canada Kanada カナダ
Puerto Rico Puerutoriko プエルトリコ
Australia Oosutoraria オーストラリア
Today, let's discuss about special Japanese charactor, ン.
It is hard to tell you how you can pronounce the letter.
So I want to show you the examples.
The word America is pronounced in Japanese as Amerika, and its Katakana writing is アメリカ.
The word American is pronounced in Japanese as Amerikan, and its Katakana writing is アメリカン.
The word Truss is pronounced in Japanese as Torasu, and its Katakana writing is トラス.
The word Trans is pronounced in Japanese as Toransu, and its Katakana writing is トランス.
Its pronunciation is similar to the English "N" sound with out trailing vowels (aeiou).
The French City Nantes is pronounced in Japanese as Nanto, and its Katakana writing is ナント.
Note that the letter Na is ナ, and the n trailing it is ン (because it is not trailed with another vowels.)
In Japanese, they say the letter ン is not at the beginning of words.
But there are a few exceptions.
N'Djamena is a city in Chad and its Japanese pronunctiation is Njamena and its Katakana writing is ンジャメナ.
Youssou N'Dour is a singer in Senegal and his family name is pronounced as Nduuru in Japan, and its Katakana writing is ンドゥール.
The small ゥ is not yet discussed.
Let's discuss about it together with ァ, ィ, ェ, and ォ the next time.
(Two weeks lator.)
Bye for now!